Monday, February 25, 2019


Whether you’re the proud owner of a home or you’re currently renting a property, it’s of utmost importance that you proactively implement the required measures to enhance the security of your dwelling. It’s understandable that individuals who are renting might believe that their options for ensuring safety are somewhat restricted. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to recognize that security enhancements need not always entail permanent alterations or costly novelties that your landlord might be hesitant to endorse. In our comprehensive article, we delve into a multitude of uncomplicated strategies that you, as a tenant, can readily adopt to bolster the safety and security of your rented residence.

PJ & Sons work with both tenants and landlords across South London including


Get to know the area

If you haven’t already settled on a home to rent, you should keep a few things in mind. Before signing any tenancy agreements, ensure that you have visited the area by both day and night. This will allow you to observe how well lit and maintained the property and surrounding entrances, alleyways and parking lots are.

Before making any agreements, it is helpful to get to know your prospective neighbors. Gather their thoughts on the area and any information they feel might be of importance. If you decide to move into this property, it will help to already have acquainted yourself with the neighbors as this will give you further security assurance for the months or years to come. Equally, take the time to get to know your landlord. It is important to establish a good relationship with your landlord as they will be responsible for your property.

Security systems

As a tenant, finding a security system for your rental property can be difficult. Wireless systems are ideal. They are generally easier to install, there is no hole-drilling required; they are more likely to get the go-ahead from your landlord. They are also reliable, whereas a burglar could disarm a wired system by cutting through the alarm. Similarly, DIY security systems are renter-friendly, they are easy to set up and require no costly service contract or permanent installation.

Security cameras

Whilst security cameras are available with most home security systems, they can also be bought separately. With technology constantly transforming, there are now apps available to help you monitor your property’s security. These apps pair with your security camera, enabling you to view what is going on in and around your home, through your smartphone.

Securing windows and doors

Window alarms are another non-permanent purchase tenants should consider. Window alarms work by sounding an alarm if their sensors pick up a vibration; therefore not only alerting you but also deterring potential intruders. These non-permanent alarms are easy to remove and therefore ideal for tenants leasing a property.

Upon moving in, landlords should change the door locks that provide outside access. However, if your landlord does not do this, promptly seek their permission to install new locks. This is important as you don’t know the previous tenants or who they gave copies of their key to.

Invest in portable lighting

This is particularly important if you are a ground floor property. Outdoor lighting will make your home less appealing to burglars. Motion sensors may act as both a deterrent and alert-system. As these tend to be portable, it is easy to take them with you when you leave the property.

Renters insurance

Look into the insurance types available to you. Whilst this cannot prevent you being burgled, you will be thankful for it if you ever find yourself in such a situation. It can also cover your possessions in other situations to, including fire or water damage, as well as vandalism. Whilst this is not a preventative measure, it can relieve stress in the aftermath of a break-in.

Domestic Locksmith Services for more information regarding home security.